The tools have changed, but the work of roasting and grinding cacao beans, and mixing them with water to create a vitalizing drink is a practice that goes back to early Mesoamerican civilizations. The Aztecs prepared chocolate by pouring the drink high up from one vessel to another, raising the foam of the beverage that was so prized for them.
For thousands of years, chocolate was consumed as a drink rather than a food, since that Mexican Indian first turned cacao beans into “the food of the gods”.
What Is Drinking Chocolate?

Drinking Chocolate is chocolate designed to melt in warm water, milk, or alt-milk in order to make a rich chocolate beverage. “Drinking chocolate” may refer to this beverage or the chocolate used to make it.
The chocolate is crafted with high-quality cacao and is commonly presented as shredded or powdered chocolate, or traditional Mexican tablets. It is prepared as a hot beverage and usually consumed hot, or it can also be served cold.
The difference between drinking chocolate and other chocolate-based drinks, such as hot cocoa, is that the drink is prepared with pure dark chocolate, with all of the fat intact, instead of cocoa powder, which has had the cocoa butter removed from the cocoa bean.
The quality of drinking chocolate is what gives a chocolate beverage a higher-quality flavor and texture.
Cacao Vs Cocoa

COCOA is the English translation of the Spanish word CACAO.
The tree, the pod, the fruit, the seeds or beans, the nibs, the butter, the powder, the liquor or mass – all are the same, whether you call it COCOA or CACAO.
Some people use the terms interchangeably and that’s fine. I personally use CACAO most of the time as it comes naturally to me because Spanish is my mother language.
Most of you who are Anglophone might find it complicated to pronounce the word CACAO and it’s totally correct to use COCOA to refer to all things Cacao.

What’s In Cacao?
Over half the weight of the dried nib (as the shelled and degermed bean is called) is made up of fat, although the exact proportion fluctuates according to the variety of cacao and the growing conditions.
It is true that cacao butter is mostly saturated fat, but this largely consists of stearic triglycerides, which have been shown to have no effect on blood cholesterol levels.
Cacao contains antioxidant flavonoid -quercetin-, known to have not only antioxidant but also anti-inflammatory effect in the body.
Each cacao bean contains two alkaloids: Theobromine and caffeine. Theobromine is the main alkaloid in cacao, different from caffeine, theobromine has no stimulation effect on the central nervous system. It is energy-boosting (weaker and last longer than caffeine), but without the jitters. Also, Theobromine is mood-enhancing, and is a known stimulant, vasolidator, and diuretic.
Cacao has very low content of caffeine that has no significant effect in the body. In a cup of chocolate prepared with about 18 grams (two tablespoons) of our Drinking Chocolate that contains an average of 87% cacao, there is about 10mg of caffeine (before diluting). – A cup of brewed coffee contains about 95mg of caffeine.
Serotonin and phenylethylamine are chocolate compounds that make it a tonic, and an anti-depressive and anti-stress agent, enhancing pleasurable activities.
Cacao is also a nutritious food that is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and iron.
“Food Of The Gods”

At the arrival of the European invaders in Mexico and Central America, they had to name the plants, all new to them, that they had “discovered”, and then struggle to fit them into schemes of classification and into the health theory of the time.
Theobroma Cacao was then given to the cacao tree (the “chocolate tree”) in 1753 by Carl von Linné, the 18th-century Swedish scientist who invented the binomial system by which we now classify all living things.
Theobroma – the first part of this binomial, is a Greek term that means “food of the gods”.